Enrollment Agreement:
Your enrollment in our workshop signifies your acceptance and adherence to the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement. Please read these terms carefully before proceeding with your enrollment.

1. Workshop Confirmation: Your enrollment is confirmed upon receipt of full payment and is subject to availability.
2. Refund Policy: Refunds are subject to our refund policy. Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing within the stipulated timeframe.
3. Attendance and Participation: Participants are expected to attend all sessions and actively engage in workshop activities. Missed sessions may not be compensated.
4. Materials and Content: All workshop materials, including presentations and resources, are proprietary and intended for participant use only. Unauthorized distribution or reproduction is prohibited.
5. Modification or Cancellation: Sidhira reserves the right to modify workshop dates, content, or cancel sessions due to unforeseen circumstances. Participants will be duly notified.
6. Conduct: Participants are required to uphold a respectful and inclusive environment, refraining from disruptive behavior.
7. Liability: Sidhira is not liable for personal injuries, loss, or damage to personal property during the workshop.
8. Data Usage: Participant information may be used for workshop-related communications and will be treated with confidentiality.
9. Governing Law: This agreement is governed by the laws of Indian jurisdiction, and any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Bangalore only.
By proceeding with your enrollment, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these terms and conditions


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